What I Wish Everyone Knew about Worship

worship.001You want to start a discussion, or maybe I should say an argument, then get off on the topic of worship.  People have strong convictions about worship.  Worship is quite possibly the hardest thing we as mere mortal humans ever try to do!  Worship is so connected to our faith and what we do in service to God.

If I could share a message about worship with everyone, I would want them to know these three things about worship from God’s word.

  1. Worship is about God.  This basic thought is so revolutionary and counter-cultural from our present world.  The world says worship is about the experience and how it makes you feel.  It is human-centric, while the Bible says worship is to be God-centric.  Worship is directed toward God.  In its basic Biblical meaning it is offering reverence, devotion, and homage to God.  Jesus says the Father is seeking true worshippers to “worship him” (John 4:23). What motivates worship is a knowledge of God and what He has done for us (Mat. 4:10)!  Worship is a response.  If you don’t want to worship, then there is something lacking in your love of God!
  2. Worship must be in spirit and in truth.  Jesus says that true worshippers will offer worship in both spirit and truth (John 4:24).  By spirit, Jesus means that our worship should be offered with the proper heart and emotion.  Our worship is offered in the power of the Holy Spirit with a contrite attitude and broken heart.  Our heart loves and our mind is attuned to the acts of devotion we are offering.  To worship in truth means to worship in a real and genuine way.  This involves our actions in worship.  Our worship must be according to His truth or His will (John 4:24; Mat. 15:7-9).  Worship isn’t about what man wants, but it is about what God has commanded!  We don’t just get to choose what acts, we offer to God, but we offer acts prescribed in His word. Thus, we should pray, preach, sing, give, and commune in the Lord’s Supper with God each Lord’s day.¹
  3. Worship changes you!  You become like what you worship (2 Kings 17:15)!  If you focus on the idols of our culture like success and fortune you will become like them.  If you focus on God, you will become loving, holy, righteous, and merciful.  Though worship is about God, it has a tremendous reciprocal affect of shaping the worshipper.  It shapes their identity, promotes love of one another, calls us to holiness, strengthens our souls, and inspires us to greater levels of faith and service.  True worshippers, who experience God, leave changed and molded into being more like God!

There is so much more to this important topic of worship, but these three foundational points should be the basis for all knowledge and growth.  Let us be reminded and help everyone to learn these great truths.


¹  It wasn’t the scope of this short post to give Biblical proof for each of these acts of worship, but if you need such for personal study please contact me in the comments.

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