Leadership and Co-Design

Although the term, co-design, has more spe­cif­ic, for­mal mean­ings, I like to think of it very infor­mal­ly as two or more peo­ple think­ing togeth­er as equals about some spe­cif­ic change they want to make. In my field of orga­ni­za­tion dynam­ics, that could be shift­ing how the work is done or how an orga­ni­za­tion is struc­tured, for exam­ple. It could involve any kind of strate­gic project or initiative. 

Co-design in orga­ni­za­tions, thought of in this sim­ple way, is pow­er­ful pre­cise­ly because of what it vio­lates: old habits of hier­ar­chy and our images of “lead­er­ship” and “man­age­ment” from the past. In par­tic­u­lar it breaks the mold of typ­i­cal pow­er dynam­ics, of some­one in a “supe­ri­or” posi­tion decid­ing on some­thing that oth­ers are respon­si­ble for “exe­cut­ing.” It thus can begin a pos­i­tive ero­sion of old deci­sion-mak­ing mod­els of change. In past mod­els, a man­ag­er or team of peo­ple might pro­pose a change, but the change must be “approved” before imple­men­ta­tion. The approver is sep­a­rate and dis­tant from the change and its design, and only gives a thumbs up or down response based on his/her per­son­al judg­ment, bias­es and agendas. 


In my expe­ri­ence, this approval based approach is what alters every­thing that hap­pens. The goal of design then is not to cre­ate the best design but the design that can get the approval, the design that can “win” by virtue of argu­ment, log­ic, per­sua­sion, and pol­i­tics — and often by virtue of super­fi­cial mea­sures and num­bers, not the qual­i­ties and intan­gi­bles inher­ent in the design itself. Every­thing might be reduced to, “How much will this cost?” and what were once good ideas quick­ly end up in dis­ap­point­ment and dis­en­gage­ment. Cor­re­spond­ing­ly, in the old world, if approval is achieved, the goal with exe­cu­tion nec­es­sar­i­ly shifts to the impor­tance of gain­ing “buy-in” (also a dis­tinct approval process) and to over­com­ing resis­tance (also per­sua­sion — by what­ev­er means). 

By com­par­i­son, the sim­ple idea behind co-design is that you and I sit down infor­mal­ly with an idea to flesh it out. We draw on white boards — or nap­kins. We then take this idea and share it with oth­ers whose lives or work could be impact­ed by it. We ask straight-for­ward questions:

• What do you think of this idea? Does it have suf­fi­cient mer­it to build on or should it be scrapped? Scrapped in favor of what?

• If you agree it has some mer­it, how might it be altered, cor­rect­ed, improved or extended? 

• Are there some side-effects or con­se­quences we haven’t fore­seen that need to be addressed? How would we do that?

• Who else needs to be involved in help­ing us?

• How would we go about actu­al­ly mak­ing this hap­pen together?

And then the design is revised, so that the ideas them­selves are co-owned, and we go look­ing for anoth­er group of stake­hold­ers to con­tin­ue the process. In this way the work spi­rals out­ward and begins to seam­less­ly include implementation.

In two oth­er posts, I explored some of these ideas in the con­text of hier­ar­chy — here (“A Spi­ral Mod­el of Change” and here (“The Side Effects of Hier­ar­chy and Oth­er Per­ils”). But those are both just a warm-up act for co-design as an emerg­ing and essen­tial part of leading.

Why? Because not so well hid­den with­in this very sim­ple idea is a rather pro­found cul­tur­al shift: from cri­tiquing indi­vid­ual per­for­mance and mak­ing judg­ments to ask­ing and engag­ing in a ques­tion, “What good thing could we cre­ate togeth­er?” That may not sound like much at first, but per­haps, asked well, asked sin­cere­ly, can change the whole game. Sud­den­ly, that work to co-design a new work sys­tem can also lead us to an entire­ly dif­fer­ent kind of con­ver­sa­tion — about con­scious­ly co-design­ing our rela­tion­ships with each oth­er. As friends might, as lovers might (ref­er­enc­ing Blair’s own work), by talk­ing about it, by build­ing a vision, and lead­ing each oth­er toward it with an equal­i­ty that tran­scends all roles. Approval-based pow­er rela­tion­ships pret­ty much suck in terms of cre­ativ­i­ty — and they can be quite lone­ly and unfor­giv­ing, silent and even abu­sive while keep­ing the rela­tion­ship itself undis­cuss­able. We would­n’t stand for that in a mar­riage. Why would we give our lives over to it so com­plete­ly at work? 

Work­places are like­ly to always have some hier­ar­chi­cal ele­ments, some frame­work for approvals and per­mis­sions, but part of what the world demands now from us in mil­lions of ways (and with­in a rel­a­tive­ly short time-frame) is to not just live out uncon­scious col­lec­tive kar­ma, but to actu­al­ly step forth and be part of lead­ing — to co-lead. And to do so with all we’ve got, with the best of what our hearts and minds offer. Take that thought to any lev­el you like, from build­ing a bet­ter billing sys­tem, to health-care reform, to heal­ing the plan­et, to end­ing war in the Mid­dle East. It’s the only idea that works, that can work, in oh so many ways.


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By Dan Oestreich

I am a leadership consultant, coach, facilitator and trainer supporting the growth and development of leaders and teams. For further information about my work and services, please access my Oestreich Associates website.


  1. Thanks for this quite vision on co- design fro­ma. Quite dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive as we — part­ners in A Euro­pean co-design project ‑www.proudeurope.eu — take on it. Nev­er­the­less your ideas cer­tain­ly add on. And it very kuch con­tributes to mak­ing up my per­son­al vision.
    As ro the process you men­tion: we also believe that users or peo­ple involved can alos be tru­ly cre­ative and devel­op, build them­selves. So it is not just about ask­ing one’s opin­ion, but also hav­ing them involved in elab­o­rat­ing their ideas.
    Have a won­der­ful day

  2. Dear Ingrid~

    Thank you so much for com­ment­ing on this post. I took a look at your web­site and it is very impres­sive as a resource. I believe there are many of us who see the pos­si­bil­i­ties of co-design, and not at all from the stand­point of input, “ask­ing one’s opin­ion,” but true collaboration.

    Thank you again!

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