Leadership and Decency

We have a dream, an ide­al of lead­er­ship that it should be an intel­li­gi­ble sphere whose cen­ter is every­where and cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere. Of course this idea is that we all see our­selves as lead­ers, that we all oper­ate with unspo­ken under­stand­ing and uni­ty derived from the best parts of who we are as peo­ple. Would it sur­prise you, then, to know that this def­i­n­i­tion is at least eight cen­turies old — with only one slight excep­tion? It comes from a twelfth-cen­tu­ry vol­ume, The Book of Twen­ty-Four Philoso­phers, but the book is not about lead­ing at all; it is about defin­ing God. 


I am not attempt­ing to make a point about reli­gion. This is sim­ply a coin­ci­dence, a trick of lan­guage per­haps that leads the mind — my mind any­way — in at least two direc­tions. One is toward a dark thread, one that rebels against how over-wrought our wor­ship of lead­er­ship con­cepts is, rebels against the dis­tor­tions we play out in real behav­ior, the com­pet­i­tive nar­cis­sism some call lead­ing, and the way some uncon­scious­ly turn them­selves into lit­tle Gods in the name of lead­er­ship. I feel the anger and sense of help­less­ness rise in me, mak­ing me want to tear down the walls of this wor­ship com­plete­ly, get rid of the word, start from scratch. What comes to mind are times in my career when I’ve watched pow­er­ful peo­ple who have made mis­takes act out their frus­tra­tion by blam­ing every­one around them, where every­one else is cowed and remains silent in order to escape fur­ther reper­cus­sions. And I think of some who, puffed up in their author­i­ty and stature, think they know the best route to suc­cess and so, patron­iz­ing­ly, “teach oth­ers.” In either case there’s always talk in the hall lat­er — because we are so very far away from the ide­al that it has become, if not plain­ly painful then sure­ly ludicrous.

But there is also anoth­er direc­tion this trick of lan­guage takes me, too, back to the dream, where we can look more care­ful­ly, and keep look­ing into an authen­tic mys­tery: the inspir­ing, ener­getic field that we also call lead­er­ship, espe­cial­ly when it emerges spon­ta­neous­ly among peo­ple. There real­ly is a kind of beau­ty to it, and I see that beau­ty most fre­quent­ly in those who have a bound­less appetite for learn­ing about them­selves and their impacts; in those who see them­selves very much involved in the prob­lems they are try­ing to solve; in human beings who bring their love for oth­ers and their respect and nur­tu­rance to the many invis­i­ble every­day exchanges that make up their jobs, con­ver­sa­tions rich in trust, inter­est in oth­ers, vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and col­lab­o­ra­tion. It does­n’t mat­ter what rung of the lad­der — there is that good­ness of heart, that sense of respon­si­bil­i­ty, that desire to lis­ten and tell the truth, and to make an hon­est con­tri­bu­tion. And these peo­ple togeth­er do cre­ate the field. It’s very excit­ing to par­tic­i­pate in that, and it absolute­ly heals the nar­cis­sism that is so traditional.

When I think of these good peo­ple, the word that most comes to mind is “decen­cy.” They exem­pli­fy decen­cy, and I would say, yes, they are the real lead­ers. But I’m not sure we need to cre­ate any label for them so much as sim­ply help rec­og­nize their worth and the worth of the field they cre­ate around them. For in truth, they gen­uine­ly hold a cen­ter that is every­where and in each one of us and cre­ate a cir­cum­fer­ence of per­son­al influ­ence that can nev­er ful­ly be known. They are the inspir­ing “intel­li­gi­ble sphere” of our own human­i­ty, some­thing rec­og­nized from with­in, and with­out regard to any oth­er name we might give them. 

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By Dan Oestreich

I am a leadership consultant, coach, facilitator and trainer supporting the growth and development of leaders and teams. For further information about my work and services, please access my Oestreich Associates website.


  1. I love you Dan! In the most inno­cent and best sense and expres­sion of it. (Yet if we need a defin­i­tive qual­i­fi­er, the Greeks used the term ‘phileo’ to describe ‘broth­er­ly love’) 

    I’m with you and has been part of my own strug­gle and at times, mes­sage, when it comes to the top­ic of leadership.

    I’m inter­est­ing in the top­ic because it has to do with the very real posi­tion and titles that have a huge impact on fam­i­ly, busi­ness, orga­ni­za­tions, nations, and the world. And simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, I resist the con­cept, know­ing I real­ly can’t divorce myself from it altogether.

    And what I mean by that can best be summed up in one of my favorite quotes by Albert Camus:

    Don’t walk in front of me, I may not fol­low. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.’

    Even with­in myself though, the DESIRE for the above is there and yet the cur­rent state of our own place along the jour­ney, and the state of the col­lec­tive at this point in time can make that desire fleet­ing when it comes to it’s lived expres­sion in our day to day lives.

    I can more apt­ly say that I LONG for the kind of rela­tion­ships with my elders where it isn’t about ‘lord­ing it over any­one’, it’s a rela­tion­ship that imparts knowl­edge, wis­dom, and expe­ri­ence sim­ply as the way to equip the oth­er per­son for life. Whether that is on the job or to car­ry on as the next gen­er­a­tion long after we are gone. 

    It is to long for that inner know­ing that under­neath the labels we call ‘lead­er­ship’, we are all teach­ers and learn­ers of each oth­er, regard­less of age, posi­tion, title, gen­der, race, reli­gions or creed. 

    I am hap­py to have found at least a sense of that in my con­nec­tion with you. Some­one that walks along side me as my friend. How­ev­er dis­tant that may be. 

    Thank you for that…and thank you for yet anoth­er love­ly, wis­dom-filled post my friend. 


  2. You inspire, encour­age, and coach me as you always do Dan!

    Today is the 10th birth­day of Man­ag­ing with Alo­ha, can you believe it? So I am cel­e­brat­ing by vis­it­ing friends who have made so many gen­er­ous deposits into my mana‘o and Alo­ha Spir­it — and you are cer­tain­ly one of them!

    I need­ed to read this today, as I ask myself about what might be next, and I am so thank­ful: Know­ing you, and learn­ing from you has made me better.

  3. Dear Saman­tha~

    You don’t just bring a dish or two — you bring a feast! So the “phileo” is sure­ly returned. Indeed, you have been a good and con­stant friend, Saman­tha, to me as I expe­ri­ence the joy and bur­dens of this writ­ing! I very much share in the way Camus states it — the old­er I get it seems the more truth there is in his sim­ple phras­es. We don’t need to be lone wolves lost in the moun­tains, nei­ther ahead nor behind of some­one else.

    All the best

  4. Dear Rosa~

    How love­ly that you have stopped by on such an impor­tant day. My own ten year anniver­sary — the start of my blog­ging — comes up the mid­dle of next month, so we can real­ly cel­e­brate these years of mutu­al learn­ing togeth­er. Indeed, we have coached each oth­er, haven’t we? What a plea­sure to cel­e­brate this great process of explo­ration, facil­i­tat­ed by social media, but always attached to the well-springs of expe­ri­ence, feel­ing, and the best think­ing we can come up with. What a great plea­sure to have met you, Rosa, and shared with you across the years.

    I pass along won­der­ful con­grat­u­la­tions to you as one of the best of my teachers.

    Many bless­ings

  5. Great short arti­cle. Two things come to mind — Jesus did men­tion that we are gods, hence the con­no­ta­tions in writ­ing, sec­ond­ly is that lead­er­ship is ener­gy that spans the four pil­lars of our Being — spir­i­tu­al, emo­tion­al, phys­i­cal and men­tal. How we use this ener­gy denotes our leadership.

  6. Dear James~

    Thank you for stop­ping by. I’m guess­ing my ref­er­enc­ing “lit­tle Gods” was done in a very dif­fer­ent way than what Jesus was talk­ing about. And I’m total­ly with you that lead­er­ship is all about inte­gra­tion of spir­i­tu­al, emo­tion­al, phys­i­cal and men­tal being. Right on. 

    All the best~

  7. Enjoyed this one, espe­cial­ly the shar­ing of our simplification.

    Oh how I have learned over the past four years, to reach out, give back, love one­self, and pay if forward.

    I am grate­ful for all of the friend­ships and fam­i­ly rela­tion­ships that have come my way in the last decade. 

    Let­ting go, and enjoy­ing day by day, what­ev­er the day brings, each day is an inspi­ra­tion to me.

    I am glad I have found your page.

    Look for­ward to more inspir­ing writings.

    Best to you Dan.

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