10 Simple Ways to Show Your Wife You Choose Her!

from Freeimages.com – Paris by Luca de Luca

This is a post for all you guys out there!  I know most of you rarely read a blog post.  But I am glad you are reading this, even if you are just doing it because she told you too!

It is hard to stay focused on being a husband!  We are selfish with all of our pursuits, responsibilities, and interests.  We neglect to show our wife the care and love she deserves.  We still need to pursue her and let her know everyday that we choose her.

Here are some ways you can show her you choose her.

  1. Pick her up some $5 flowers at Wal-Mart.  You waist $5 all the time on some food for yourself.  So stop by and pick her up some flowers just to let her know how much you love her.  They will last a long time and will not take much of your time to purchase.
  2. Offer to blow dry her hair the next time she takes a night shower.  I am not talking about styling her hair.  I am talking about drying it so she doesn’t have to go to bed with wet hair.  Let her relax with a book or check Facebook while you dry it.
  3. Drop by Happy Hour at Sonic and get her favorite drink and take it to her.  If you can’t make the happy hour rate, then fork out a little more dough and surprise her.
  4. Vacuum out her vehicle.  If you have kids, the inside likely stays filthy, you may even have french fries still in there from 2016.
  5. Cook her supper, or for you non-cookers out there, text her about 4:00 and say I am picking up supper for us tonight.  
  6. Massage her shoulders, or whatever else is hurting her!  How many times do you hear about her neck hurting or her sore feet, but you do nothing about it?  Show her you care, by relieving some of her pain!
  7. Leave her a note she can find.  Tell her how much you love her and how thankful you are for her.
  8. It is spring, and she is probably wanting to work in the flowers or plant a garden.  Volunteer to help her and don’t be complaining the whole time about how she wants to do it.
  9. Hold her hand!  When was the last time you reached over while you were riding somewhere and held her soft hand!  Guarantee you she will be thrilled when you do this simple act.
  10. Say a prayer for her beseeching God’s protection, guidance, and love.  One of our jobs as Christian men should be to fight for our wives and family in prayer against spiritual forces of darkness.  Pray for her!

You don’t have to do all these things this week, or you may be Super Husband and knock them all out of the park.  You may have a way better list of things you could do to show your wife you choose her!  Remember love is demonstrated through the small acts we do everyday.  Now go give some love!  You know it will come back to you and bless your marriage!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/10-simple-ways-to-show-your-wife-you-choose-her/