Tyrannical California Gun Insurance Bill is ‘Straight Outta Compton’

It’s fair to wonder why grinning simps for disarmament don’t take their demands to the streets where the real action is. (Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson, 65th District/Facebook)

“In a significant legislative push, California Assemblymember Mike Gipson has taken a step that intertwines firearm ownership with the domain of homeowner and renter insurance,” the narrative promoters at BNN gush. “Through the introduction of Bill AB 3067, a new layer of inquiry into the lives of insurance applicants emerges, focusing on the presence and storage of firearms in households. This bill, making waves across the state, signals a pioneering approach to gun safety and regulatory measures.”

Coerced insurance admissions: What could go wrong? The better question is, “What could go right?”

Basically, it would intrude into the homes of every gun owner in the state and require them to self-report the “presence, storage, and number of firearms” to their insurance companies, which in turn would be required to file annual reports to the state.

Per Gipson’s bill summary:

“This bill would require an insurer, by January 1, 2026, to include questions on an application for homeowners’ or renters’ insurance seeking specified information regarding the presence and storage of any firearms kept in the household, accessory structures, or vehicles kept on the property subject to any applicable insurance policy.”

And while there’s an “exclusion” saying “The report shall not contain any identifying information contained in a consumer’s application for homeowners’ or renters’ insurance, including, but not limited to, names, addresses, and telephone numbers, which shall remain confidential,” admissions being required could be used to “justify” a subpoena to give up that information – for instance if information provided does not appear sufficient to comply with “safe storage” mandates, which in this case, could amount to citizens being required to self-incriminate.

Besides, with the nose under the tent, what’s to stop them from coming back in a few years, modifying the law, and requiring photo IDs?

Also left unstated but of relevance is what the penalties will be for errors and omissions. Are we talking “zero tolerance”? While we’re told there will be no personal identifiers, what’s to stop the state from matching its address records against insurer reports and using anything that doesn’t match as an excuse to dig deeper?

The requirement is not just for homeowners. The text includes “an application for homeowners’ or renters’ insurance.” That’s curious, because California law does not require renter’s insurance (although some building owners may). That means the law cannot be uniformly and equally applied, and most profoundly affects those with the wherewithal to own property, that is, the least likely to engage in violent criminality, and excludes uninsured renters.

Gipson, a Democrat, naturally, per his California Legislative Black Caucus page, “represents the new 65th Assembly District which includes the areas of Watts, Willowbrook, Compton, Carson, North Long Beach, Harbor Gateway North & South, Harbor City, Wilmington, and San Pedro,” and that’s curious, too, because that means while he’s imposing this edict on the rest of the state, many of his constituents won’t be affected. That’s because he presides over areas overrun with violent criminal gangs, that is “prohibited persons” forbidden by law to own guns (like that stops them), and therefore exempt from self-reporting (in Haynes v. United States, the Supreme Court agreed that forcing a felon to register a gun he was not permitted to have violated his Fifth Amendment-recognized right against self-incrimination.)

These are some Gipson constituents who won’t be required to comply, which is just as well, since they ignore all other “gun laws” as well:

  • Watts: There are two notable rivals, the Grape Street Watts Crips, and the Bounty Hunter Watts Bloods. And dozens more.
  • Willowbrook: Streetgangs.com lists 7th Street Watts Crips, Carver Park Compton Crips, Mona Park Compton Crips, Neighborhood Watts Crips, and Six Hood Compton Crips.
  • Compton: the “Gang Map” shows territories for dozens, dominated by Crips and the Pirus, a subset of the Bloods.
  • Carson: The demographics shift to Hispanic street gangs, including Varrio Carson, Catskill Street, Dominguez Varrio (DV), La Loma, South Side Locos (SSL), Victoria Park Locos, Varrio Keystone Rifa, and Tortilla Flats.
  • Long Beach: The “vibrant” area is more diverse but it’s hardly inclusive, with multiple gangs of various ethnic makeups (Crips, Asian Boyz (Cambodian), Sons of Samoa, and Mexican Mafia-affiliated Sureños, but no Bloods) in the whole city, and the notation “Gangs have also formed on the Northside of Long Beach in the northwest section of Long Beach.”
  • Harbor Gateway: Gipson can include the 204th Street Gang “Most Notorious Varrio of Harbor Gateway” among his constituents who won’t be telling Allstate what they have.
  • Harbor City: The Mexican-American Harbor City Boys and their various cliques coexist in the city with the Harbor City Crips as they carry on feuds and rivalries with surrounding cities.
  • Wilmington: This is the home of the Wilmas, predominantly Mexican-American, “described by law enforcement as a plague on the Wilmington community,” and “bitter rivals” with gangs in Harbor City and San Pedro.
  • San Pedro: This last stop in our tour of Gipson’s assembly district is where the Rancho San Pedro Locos carry out their longstanding grudge against the Dodge City Crips and rival gangs from surrounding communities.

It’s fair to ask at this point just what Gipson is trying to do and who he hopes to burden with this in-your-face “law-abiding” gun owner harassment– and why. The gulf between stated goals and reality is ludicrously impossible to bridge, and it’s hard to imagine how anyone could justify the administrative expense and the hoops citizens and insurance companies will be required to jump through just to go through motions that have no hope of addressing the real causes of criminal violence and solutions for deterring it. Those would include treating the problem-causers as the threats that they are and dealing with them accordingly, which is something no Democrat is prepared to do, preferring instead to complain about systemic racism and “overrepresentation” of minorities in the justice system as leftist prosecutors play catch-and-release with remorseless predators.

This is the corrupt political machine that Gipson learned the power game in, and it’s instructive to see that earlier in his career he was “a field representative for [Los Angeles Councilman] Mark Ridley-Thomas.” That would be the same Democrat whose collectivist priority was to “impose a fee on ammunition to partially offset the financial costs incurred by firearm victims,” who is now serving 3 ½ years in federal prison for corruption, bribery, and fraud, and is now, incidentally, a “prohibited person” and thus will be effectively immune to this stupid insurance reporting bill when he gets out.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Yet another unconstitutional so-called law with no legal force under a just court system that I wouldn’t ever follow or abide by. Violates privacy, creates a registry, and as if I would tell anyone where or how I store arms! Ha! Commiefornians are attempting to criminalize every aspect of life, so they will have some kind of justification to lock up anyone they wish, while the entire time ignoring evil, and those who commit murder, rape, assault, human trafficking, theft, drug dealing, etc. Most of their penal code should be shredded, and their politicians imprisoned for color of law crimes… Read more »


1984 was just a few years off with the commies going ape sh…it started with wilson and fdr


Bless her departed heart, my mother used to defend FDR, saying that he fed people during the depression. She wouldn’t understand that his efforts to institute socialism kept the Depression going at least 10 years longer than it would have otherwise. No FDR, no NEED to feed people.

She finally saw what was happening, though, and at least voted for Reagan.


If you really delve into Reagan’s political history, he’s not anywhere near the saint most Conservatives idolize and worship him as being. After his so-called “conversion” from being a Democrat to a Republican, he still maintained close ties to all of his old Commie pals!! Why did he do that? Someone PLEASE tell me, how can a man with a full time job of supposedly running the country, go from having a total net worth of less than 15K, to being a multimillionaire in less than 8 years? Either he was a crook just like most politicians (most likely), or… Read more »


They don’t ignore evil, they protect it with gun control laws. Why? Power, control and money are my guess.


Just another reason for any self respecting American to vote with their feet and leave these “Blue” third world sh!thole wannabes.


Leaving doesn’t eliminate the cancer. It only allows it to metastasize and spread to the rest of the nation.


Perhaps you’d care to enlighten us on just how you personally plan to eliminate California’s cancer and prevent it from metastasizing to the rest of the nation.


2nd Amendment applies to the whole nation.



lawn mower will need to be used


That would be a lot like using a three ounce upholstery hammer to break granite man-rocks in your backyard.
A more appropriate tool would be a six foot flail cutter. Better yet a bigger tractor and one such off each side. Two twelve foot sicklebar mowers.


or so the theory goes……

YOUR results may vary, depending upon location.


When I see Californians, finally Stand Up and fight to remove the Tyranny that is destroying their state and personal Freedoms. I will gladly join them in their fight, shoulder to shoulder…Knee deep in brass, as necessary. While people like you hide in your basements. Expecting others to fight for your Freedoms.

John Dunlap

California native here. I’ll give it a try. Some friends of mine moved to Tennessee. They’ve moved again recently, to get away from the triumphal mosque being built by “refugees” down the street from them. You’re right, you literally can’t move away from the Left wing cult. They will always pursue. You fight back with calls, letters and donations. I’ve tried to support our allies in Arizona, Nevada, etc. in this way when I can. If you can, donate to groups in California who are fighting back, such as Gun Owners of California (a chapter of the GOA). Call and… Read more »


They should have waited for the Mosque to be completed, and then christened it with a special soup made of cheap wine, pig meat and dog poop! That would make the ground “unclean” and they would have to move some place else! And just keep on doing that until they get the idea that their fake religion’s “god” can’t protect them from anything at all!


Never be stopped in California, better to amputate. But the terrified liberals, afraid of what they created, tend to spread it to surrounding states. Got neighbors like that in Arizona. Coyotes roam the streets and we are told that harming them is evil, horribly evil. Too bad if you’d out cat disappears, coyotes were here first. Guns…well you can imagine their views on that!


“But the terrified liberals, afraid of what they created, tend to spread it to surrounding states.”

You’re only seeing part of the situation.

Of my adjacent neighbors, one is an American married to a Chinese, one couple is a Brazilian guy married to a Spaniard. One family never speaks to anyone so its difficult to say where they’re from. One is a Cuban lady. One is an Irish guy married to a Cuban. And one is a Venezuelan couple.

If all the refugees you’re getting are displaced American liberals, you’re not doing so bad.


For several years now, I have been trying to enlighten people on the simplest and easiest way to get our face out from under the boot of government tyranny that is constantly stomping on it! It is done by refusing to participate in the crimes, criminality and corruption of the legal system! No one yet has been able to refute anything that I have said about it. NO man nor woman has any amount of legitimate power or authority over anyone else, if they are using any kind of crime to get it! Crimes such as theft, fraud, corruption, bribery… Read more »


When Trump ascend to WH again, he should complete the border wall including Commifornication,Oregasmless, and Washitaton on the outside of the wall.


NO. We re alrady HERE and to evic US is flat out wrong. Nothing short of a return to that chunk of sheep’s clothing some old guys scribbled on two and a half centuries ago. THAT”S what we all signed up for. don’t quit until we have ALL we signed up for.

Get Out

Nope, the wanna-be dictator would trash the US Constitution and BoR.


As opposed to the current guy who is busy trashing the US Constitution and BoR?

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Forget a wall. We need two rows of fences. About 3′ high with a minefield in between and killer drones armed with full auto flying up and down in between the fences. Should be pretty inexpensive. Seriously. End of problem. And the ones here SEND THEM BACK. Quit giving them free everything.


Once too many voters are in the handout line, the cancer HAS metastasized. The only treatment for Calipornia is euthanasia.


Just another money grabbing and gun registry scam on honest people. What is the goal? To tag onto the felon with a gun another infraction for not having insurance for the gun they are not supposed to have that will be dismissed? Hell, most people don’t have car insurance and they steal tags from another vehicle and if the car is stolen they put another plate that is good on it from another car. Kommiefornia does not track what color the car is anymore so any matching year will do. Just change the plates, most people wouldn’t even notice and… Read more »


If you have guns acquired prior to registration, you’re not on the state’s list. We all know it’s just a matter of time before those old coots with their double barrel shotguns and vintage hunting rifles start going wild in the streets.


That would be a foolish move and I think they would be better prepared when and if that ever happens.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Some of us old coots have AR 10 with 50 round drums. But going wild in the streets isn’t on my agenda. I’m sure we could come up with a place that would be much more appropriate if I was in Commiefornia.


Politicians with laws never stop bad guys with guns, evil intent.
They only control the good guys, which is their true agenda.


R0pes for California legislative Rights Stealers.


Inaction against tyranny, results in tyrannical actions. Comfortable Subjugation over Dangerous Freedom in Californian’s case. Let this continue to be a lesson to the other states facing the same ideological tyranny.


If I went into a bar, and saw that collection of pigs, I’d turn around and leave. I couldn’t afford enough beer to make them acceptable, much less desirable.


This is obviously a 4th amendment violation intended to get your firearm info out there where it can be compromised. Imagine if your info became available to those street gangs.

I believe the best weapon to have is the one no one knows you have, and so did our forefathers.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I’m glad I don’t reside in Commiefornia. Arkansas actually has someone with a brain in her head running it. I’d suspect Commiefornia must use too much fluoride in the water.

Get Out

It’s a gun registry scheme in the making and they’re using the insurance companies to help implement the registry.


Yet another attempt at a back door registry. Does anybody believe the state won’t carefully scrutinize insurer’s records and compare them to their already existing registry? How many insurance companies will decide it’s no longer feasible to operate in CA? You can bet the ones that stay will jack up their rates.


Unfortunately, California dems use the legal system to see what they can get away with. Illegal laws should be considered criminal acts, instead they just regroup and rebrand. A one party system is a legislative mob that can author infringements we haven’t even imagined.


voting for an unconstitutional law should result in automatic dismissal from office and prison term of 10 years with no possibility of parole.


Gipson and those other idiots want to punish honest gun owners instead of going after all those gangs on the streets! That’s typical of cowardly demoncrats!


Colorado DemocRAT Legislators want to force gun owners to purchase firearms liability insurance too. It seems like nothing is off the table when it comes to attacking law abiding gun owners!


They can eff right off, as no insurance companies even offer firearms liability, and they won’t. Imagine the ridiculous claims the virtue signalling Karen’s would try to file… “emotional damage from reading news about that school shooting”, “ptsd from seeing my neighbor with a penguin gun case”, etc


the demo RATS in Washingtin have a similar bill they are pushing, with far too much help and support from the md mammas in red shirts, just like the goons in this photo. I have an out, as my house is not inusrableby the manistream companies, thus I have forced lender placed structural only at ripoff prices with rotten coverage. This, no insurance on contents, or for the homeless creep camping in my back lot without my knowledge or permission who might get hurt and think that’s is ticket for the Insurance scam gravy train. there’s nothin there… Another out… Read more »